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How to update Mailwizz: Mailwizz update full guide

Mailwizz is arguably the best self-hosted email marketing application or script out of a lot in the market that helps you to manage your email list, create campaigns, track campaign performance, and analytics all in your dashboard. All the component features of mailwizz such as Its in-depth tracking features are very important if maintaining a high return on investment is of importance to you in your campaigns. To ensure these great mailwizz features including feature updates are available, you have to make sure your mailwizz is updated. Of course, there are different ways you can update mailwizz. We are going to go through them all. Continue reading……..

In other to update your mailwizz very easily you have to visit the codecayon to get a genuine mailwizz license. This will save you a lot of stress you would have faced if you are trying to update a cracked license. Are there ways to update cracked licenses? The answer is YES! But I don’t advise this because you will get into a lot of trouble using and updating a cracked license. Now, let us look into how to update mailwizz we got legitimately from one of the evanto marketplace known as codecayon

How to update mailwizz from the backend area 

Mailwizz update from the backend is very easy and could be automatic depending on whether you set the auto-update feature to YES or NO. I recommend setting the auto-update feature to No. This will save you from system crashes and system failure unless you are using the mailwizz backup addon. If you’re not using the backup addon which will backup the application content before it automatically allows any update, I recommend you set the auto-update feature to No. This will also save you the extra money you would have spent on buying the Mailwizz backup plugin or addon. You know you have to do the update manually, which is a bit technical. But, …. If you have extra funds I highly recommend you visit codecayon buy the backup plugin. it is very cheap and you don’t need to worry about any system crashes during the automatic update. 

If you have any issue with the plugin you can submit the problem to the mailwizz worldwide forum or the J-insight forum and our team will try our best to attend to you

Now let’s get in and see all these practically and in pictorial form. 

Settings for automatic update.

Login to your mailwizz front end or customer area. Here is what your mailwizz frontend login link will look like Here it will bear your own domain name. 

how to update mailwizz

Once you establish a successful login, The picture above describes what your dashboard will look like if a new version of your mailwizz application is available. Just navigate to setting>common. If you also scroll down you’ll see the current version of mailwizz you are using.

To enable auto-update, click the drop-down arrow and check the application auto-update to YES.

How to update mailwizz

As you can see the notification also recommend you have mailwiz backup addon before you perform this operation. And don’t worry if you have a campaign running during the automatic update. If you have the mailwizz backup plugin, all campaigns currently running now will be pursued until the update is complete. After the update, you will get an email telling you that the process is completed. All these will happen the way described here only if you have a genuine mailwizz license. Now let us look into the manual method because most people viewing this will not have the backup plugin enabled, hence will not enable the automatic update option. The only option they have to update mailwizz is to do it manually using the mailwizz update file.

Mailwizz Update Settings for manual update.

How to update mailwizz

This process will be very much understandable if you follow my tutorial on mailwizz installation. If you have not checked it out go now, it is very important. Let’s Continue….. 

To update mailwizz manually, you have to upload the mailwizz update file to the same folder your mailwizz files are already in.

In my own case, the zip file I just uploaded contains the mailwizz update file I named it latest.  Now unzip it and reload the directory to see the folder that contains the updated file. Make sure the update files are moved to your outdated mailwizz files ( the ones you have when you installed mailwizz in the first place). Now go and reload your maiwizz backend and see the latest version prompt. click on update and your mailwizz will be updated to the latest version. 

To see this practically, you can watch this video from the mailwizz team…….

I know this is a bit technical. I will be waiting for you in the comment section and on our forum to address any difficulties you face. Visit the mailwizz forum to learn more about mailwizz or submit any questions you might be facing as regard updates.

Also, leave a comment or question, and I’ll be here to address it. See you at our next tutorial.

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